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Toolbar Samples

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Please note that for running x64 samples, you need to install the latest version of VC++ 2008 runtime on your machine.
This section contains a set of samples illustrating various Toolbar-related features.


The sample demonstrates toolbar/menu customization features:
  • Various customization property sheet styles: tabs, underlines and shortcut bar
  • Resizable customization dialog
  • Custom (user-defined) toolbars
  • Keyboard shortcuts and mouse double-click customization
  • Editing of the user-defined tools
  • Custom pages


The sample demonstrates explorer toolbar usage: simple and image-based navigation buttons, embedded breadcrumb bar and various navigation button layouts.


The sample illustrates how to create a multicolumn toolbar with owner draw information area. The number of columns can be changed programmatically. The toolbar can be docked only at the left, or right edge of the main frame window.


The sample illustrates how to put a custom (external) control on toolbar. It demonstrates the following features:
  • change control size and location in customization mode
  • ability to drag and drop control
  • context synchronization between different copies of control


The sample demonstrates how to create and use the Tabbed Toolbar feature. Tabbed toolbar is a control bar, which contains several toolbars grouped together in a tabbed window.


The sample demonstrates how to take advantage of the DateTime Picker control and place it on a toolbar.


The sample demonstrates how to put an edit box and edit box with a spin control on a toolbar.


The sample illustrates usage of CBCGPToolbarImages class. This class is a kind of image list and all toolbars in the library display images taken from image lists. In this sample you can see how to create image lists with different toolbar effects (disabled and shadow images) and alpha-blending effects. Also it illustrates how to add images dynamically at runtime.


The sample illustrates how to put a static text label and image label on a toolbar.


The sample illustrates how to create an MS Office-style "Undo" button and put it on a toolbar.


The sample illustrates how to create toolbar button with dropped-down menu box.