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Control Samples

Download all samples in the single ZIP file (set of more than 130 sample applications):
Please note that for running x64 samples, you need to install the latest version of VC++ 2008 runtime on your machine.
This section contains a set of samples illustrating usage of various controls provided by the library.


This example demonstrates various controls.

At the left side you can find controls navigation tree organized by control categories, at the right side – form view associated with a selected tree node.


Demonstrates MS Office-like caption bar.


Demonstrates usage of Hot Spot Image Control. This control allows to use an image with "clickable" areas by few lines of code.


Demonstrates usage of Desktop Alert control.


Demonstrates various styles of the tab control dynamically changed at runtime. Also you can see a log of notification messages being sent by the tab control to its parent/owner.


Demonstrates the Task Pane control and how to adjust its options at runtime.


Demonstrates usage of the Toolbox Control. You can apply various Toolbox themes, set different Toolbox modes and page layouts. Also the sample illustrates how to implement drag&drop of Toolbox items.


Demonstrates how to use advanced tool tip features. You can switch at runtime between standard tool tips, balloon tool tips, show custom tool tips with parameters, use extended (Visual Manager-based tool tips). Also the sample demonstrates how to use a class derived from CBCGPToolTipCtrl in order to completely customize tool tip appearance.


Illustrates how to use custom (library) tool tips with dialog controls.


Illustrates how to add prompts and error messages to the edit and combo boxes.