Download all samples in the single ZIP file (set of more than 130 sample applications):
Please note that for running x64 samples, you need to install the latest version of VC++ 2008 runtime on your machine.
This set of samples illustrates how to take advantage of the Document/View architecture enhancements provided by the library.
Demonstrates how to embed a CView-derived class into a docking bar.
Demonstrates various options that can be applied to MDI tabs (MDI tabbed documents) and how to change these options on the fly. Also shows how to
change visual styles at runtime and how to persist all selected options.
Shows how to switch between multiple views in an SDI application using the Outlook Bar control.
The Outlook Control is statically docked at the left side of the main frame. In addition, this sample demonstrates how to enable application icons auto-inverting in the dark themes.
Also, you can use this sample as a tutorial on how to use our CView-derived classes, such as Grid View, Chart View, and others.
Illustrates usage of tabbed views.
Demonstrates Windows Taskbar features such as thumbnails, preview, overlay icons and others.
Demonstrates property grid features and how to use the property grid in MDI application.