Download all samples in the single ZIP file (set of more than 130 sample applications):
Please note that for running x64 samples, you need to install the latest version of VC++ 2008 runtime on your machine.
This set of samples illustrates how to work with the Diagram Controls.
This sample demonstrates:
- All Diagram types.
- All available Diagram elements.
- How to export a diagram to the Clipboard, save a diagram image
to a file, save a diagram to XML.
This sample demonstrates how to create a simple diagram editor with the following features:
- Add/edit/remove standard shapes.
- Diagram connectors.
- Custom shapes.
This sample demonstrates how to integrate the Tag Cloud control into an SDI application and edit its properties using Properties window.
Also it illustrates all Tag Cloud control features, such as adding new tags, modifying existing tags, sorting and more.
This sample demonstrates how to integrate the TreeMap control into an SDI application and edit its properties using Properties window.