Themed File Dialog

Fully implemented BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)

Not available BCGSuite (MFC)

Not available BCGControlBar for .NET

CBCGPFileDialogEx class implements Windows-like File Dialog. In general, API of this class is very similar to CFileDialog, but all customization methods (like adding custom controls) are not implemented "out of the box" and should be developed in derived classes (we demonstrate this approach in our ThemedFileDialog and SVGViewDemo samples).

To use this dialog in the standard ID_FILE_OPEN or ID_FILE_SAVE command handlers, simply set m_bThemedFileDialog to TRUE in your application class constructor (you can see this in BCGPMSOfficeDemo, BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo and other examples and samples).

CBCGPFolderPickerDialog class implements a themed folder picker dialog. This dialog has a same functionality as standard CFolderPickerDialog, but it supports the visual themes and custom (recent) folders.

File dialog:

File dialog:

Folder picker:

Folder picker:

Sample code:

// Display themed file dialog:
CBCGPFileDialogEx dlg(
  FALSE, _T("png"), m_strTitle, 
  _T("Png Files(*.png)|*.png|All Files(*.*)|*.*||"), 

if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
	// Save image

// Display themed folder picker dialog:
CBCGPFolderPickerDialog dlg(m_strFolder, 0, this);
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
	m_strFolder = dlg.GetPathName();