Extended Tree Control

Fully implemented BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)

Fully implemented BCGSuite (MFC)

Not available BCGControlBar for .NET

A class CBCGPTreeCtrlEx is based on the Grid control and implements CTreeCtrl-like window with the following additional and improved features:

  • Multiple columns with ability to sort node sub-items.
  • Tree view-compatible API.
  • Supports standard Tree View notifications such as TVN_SELCHANGED, TVN_SELCHANGING, TVN_ITEMEXPANDING or TVN_ITEMEXPANDED.
  • Embedded header control.
  • Embedded filter bar.
  • Item or column check boxes.
  • Visual themes support.
  • Grid or tree look.
  • Notification badges support.
  • Tree item markup (hyperlinks) support.

Extended Tree Control