Chart Error Bars
BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)
BCGSuite (MFC)
BCGControlBar for .NET
Chart Error Bars are implemented in the following chart categories: bar/column, line, area and polar/radar charts.
Error bars support the following types of errors for all chart types (simple, stacked, 100% stacked):
- EBT_SEM_SE - Standard error of the mean based on a sample of the population
- EBT_SEM_SD - Standard error of the mean based on the entire population
- EBT_STD_S - Standard deviation based on a sample of the population (corrected sample standard deviation)
- EBT_STD_P - Standard deviation based on the entire population
- EBT_FIXED - Fixed value for each data point
- EBT_PERCENT - Fixed percent for each data point
- EBT_DIFF - Difference between previous and current data points
- EBT_CUSTOM - The framework calls the BCGPCHART_ERRORBARS_CALLBACK function to calculate the values for each data point