General Grid Features

Fully implemented BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)

Fully implemented BCGSuite (MFC)

Fully implemented BCGControlBar for .NET

The Grid control supports the most of standard grid features.

  • Sorting by a single column
  • Sorting by multiple columns
  • Hide/Show columns
    • Integrated Field Chooser
    • Drag and Drop columns
  • Virtual mode support
  • In-place cell editing
  • Single and multiple row selection
  • Single and multiple item (grid cell) selection
  • Copy data to clipboard
  • Cells Drag and Drop support
  • Rows Drag and Drop support
  • Keyboard navigation
  • In-place tooltips
  • Column resizing
  • Row resizing - variable row height (for .NET)
  • Row headers with or without row numbers
  • Built-in filter bar
  • Read-only mode
  • Printing
  • Easy integration with Document / View architecture (MFC)
  • Microsoft Excel-like look and feel
  • Automatically generated rows and columns (for .NET)
  • Export to HTML, RTF and CSV
  • Cell borders - thick and thin borders with different line styles (for .NET)
  • Text over floating - text is drawn over adjoining cells if they are empty
  • Text wrapping and trimming
  • Table style formatting
  • Find dialog
  • Watermark image support
  • Grid cell notification badge
  • Grid item markup (hyperlinks)
  • Dynamically created subitems support

General Grid Features

General Grid Features

Sample code:

CBCGPGridCtrl m_wndGrid;

// Create grid control:
m_wndGrid.Create (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, rect, this, ID_GRID);

// Add columns:
m_wndGrid.InsertColumn (0, _T("First Column"), 80 /* Width */);
m_wndGrid.InsertColumn (1, _T("Second Column"), 80 /* Width */);

// Add 100 rows:
for (int nRow = 0; nRow < 100; nRow++)
	CBCGPGridRow* pRow = m_wndGrid.CreateRow (GetColumnCount ());

	for (int i = 0; i < m_wndGrid.GetColumnCount (); i++)
		pRow->GetItem (i)->SetValue (lValue);

	m_wndGrid.AddRow (pRow, FALSE);

m_wndGrid.AdjustLayout ();