Edit Box with a Browse Button and Prompt

Fully implemented BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)

Fully implemented BCGSuite (MFC)

Not available BCGControlBar for .NET

The themed edit control with a browse button extends a regular edit control by adding a button that can display a user-defined "browse" dialog.

The following built-in modes are supported:

  • Browse for file mode
  • Folder selection mode
  • Calculator mode
  • Search mode
  • Auto-complete mode
  • Drop-down dialog mode
  • Password mode (with a preview)

The selection made in file, folder or calculator dialog is automatically displayed in the edit control.

Auto-complete mode allows users to choose an option from a drop-down list, which is automatically updated while the user types.

In addition, developers can specify an edit control prompt (like "Enter your name") or a short error message.

Edit box with a file picker:

Edit box with a file picker:

Edit box in auto-complete mode:

Edit box in auto-complete mode:

Edit box with a calculator:

Edit box with a calculator:

Sample code:

CBCGPEdit m_wndFolderEdit;
CBCGPEdit m_wndFileEdit;
CBCGPEdit m_wndNumEdit;
m_wndFolderEdit.EnableFolderBrowseButton ();
m_wndFileEdit.EnableFileBrowseButton ();
m_wndNumEdit.EnableCalculatorButton ();