Updating existing application source code:
- Replace globalData.font*** with globalUtils.GetFont***(pWnd).
- globalUtils.ScaleByDPI has a new optional parameter "current window". Please pass a pointer to the currently used window to this method.
- CBCGPToolBar::SetSizes and CBCGPToolBar::SetMenuSizes should receive original (non-scaled) sizes.
- If your window class has any DPI-specific resources, please reload them in WM_DPICHANGED or WM_DPICHANGED_AFTERPARENT message handler(s).
- If you have a custom (CBCGPProp-derived) property with DPI-specific resources, please override OnDPIChanged method and reload these resources.
- If you added icons to CBCGPOutlookBarPane, please reload them in WM_DPICHANGED message handler (see BCGPGridExample application).
- If you are calling any CBCGPVisualManager methods in your WM_PAINT message handler, we recommend to use CBCGPPaintDC instead of CPaintDC.
- Pass pointer to current window to CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer constructor.
- If you have a custom, CBCGPCaptionButton-derived caption button class, please pass a pointer to the parent windows to CBCGPCaptionButton constructor.
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