Release Notes BCGControlBar Professional Edition Version: 32.1. Released: 11/17/2021 Added Visual Studio 2022 support: The source files are fully compliant with Visual 2022 C++ compiler. All our examples and samples were thoroughly tested with VS 2022. Evaluation version contains DLLs and libraries required for VS 2022. Improved frames and popup windows appearance in Windows 11 (see screenshot): implemented rounded corners in all popup windows such as menus, floating docking panes and others. In addition, you can specify whether frame (dialog, popup menu and so on) has the rounded corners under Windows 11 (for all visual themes). In addition, frames and dialogs border color is specified by application accent color (see screenshot). By default, the rounded corners are available in visual themes with a standard Windows caption (like Windows Native or Scenic), but you can customize this appearance by setting the following new globalData members: m_FrameCornerType m_DlgCornerType m_MiniFrameCornerType m_PopupMenuCornerType In addition, you may handle a new registered message BCGM_GETWINDOWCORNERTYPE and return an appropriate corner type for specific window. Please take a look at BCGPMSOfficeDemo (see screenshot) and BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo (see screenshot) examples to see how to customize the corners appearance. Ribbon Bar Reduced quick access toolbar height when Ribbon simplified mode is activated. CBCGPRibbonButton: added support for medium-size (20x20) icons (used in the Ribbon simplified mode). CBCGPRibbonButton constructor has a new, optional parameter "HICON hIconMedium" and GetMediumIcon / SetMediumIcon methods were added to this class. RibbonSimplifiedMode sample demonstrates now how to use icon resources in the Ribbon. CBCGPRibbonBar: implemented ability to customize minimize button appearance and behavior. You may override a new virtual method CreateMinimizeButton and return your custom, CBCGPRibbonMinimizeButton-derived minimize button. To demonstrate this new feature, we have added a custom minimize button to RibbonSimplifiedMode sample and you can see how to implement an Outlook 365-like simplified mode toggling using the minimize button (see screenshot). CBCGPRibbonBar: a new method GetMinimizeButton returns a pointer to the minimize button. Visual Manager and Themes Edit box and toolbar edit control: improved controls appearance in Window native theme (see screenshot). Toolbox: improved groups appearance in Window native theme (see screenshot). In the previous product versions, we have used Windows theme API that provides an outdated (Vista-style) look. CBCGPVisualManager: a new method GetWindowCornerType specifies whether a top-level frame/dialog or popup window has rounded corners (Windows 11 only). By default, only visual themes with default (DWM) captions have the rounded corners. Override this method in your custom visual manager if you wish to customize specific windows appearance when application is running under Windows 11. Grid and Report Controls Implemented Excel-like text overflowing: when you type a lot of text into a cell, it overflows over to the adjacent cells (see screenshot). Call new method CBCGPGridCtrl::EnableTextOverflowing to enable text overflowing and override a new virtual method CBCGPGridItem::IsTextOverflowingAllowed if you wish to disable text overflowing in the specific cell type. BCGPGridExample ("Cell types" view) demonstrates this new feature. Added grid cell selection animation effect: when you are clicking a single cell, selection border will be smoothly moved from a previous location (see screenshot). Please call a new CBCGPGridCtrl::SetChangeSelectionTransitionTime method to enable this feature. Controls A new class CBCGPCheckComboBox implements a combo box with checked drop-down list (see screenshot). Please take a look at BCGPControls example to see this new control in action. CBCGPEdit: implemented ability to display prompt (cue banner) when control is focused. BCGPControls example demonstrates this new feature. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: implemented standard tree view notifications such as NM_CLICK, NM_DBLCLK, NM_RCLICK, NM_RDBLCLK and NM_SETFOCUS. Miscellaneous CBCGPToolBarImages: a new method PrepareSVGImages converts SVG icons to the internal image wheel (bitmap). CBCGPPropList: a new method SetButtonsAppearance allows to specify property buttons appearance. By default, push buttons are always displayed and drop-down buttons became visible when a property is focused. Please take a look at BCGPControls example ("Property grid" view) to see this new feature in action. Smart docking markers: Old raster bitmap resources were replaced with SVG: the docking markers are not blurred anymore when application is running in the high-DPI environment. CBCGPSmartDockingParams has 2 new members: m_clrToneSrcHot and m_clrToneDestHot. Specifying these options allows to colorize custom highlighted markers (see screenshot). Please take a look at SmartDockingDemo sample to see these additions in action. CBCGPTabWnd: a new method SetActiveTabExtraHeight allows to additionally highlight an active tab by adding some extra height (see screenshot). In addition, CBCGPMDITabParams has a new member m_nActiveTabExtraHeight, so you can also use this feature in MDI tabs (see screenshot). Please take a look at TabControl and MDITabsDemo samples to see this new feature in action. Examples and Samples BCGPControls: demonstrates a new CBCGPCheckComboBox control and edit box cue banner improvements. BCGPGridExample: added text overflowing and cell selection animation demonstrations. BCGPMSOfficeDemo and BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo: added demonstration how to customize frame / popup corners appearance in Windows 11. RibbonSimplifiedMode: added demonstration of custom minimize button and using icons in the simplified mode. SmartDockingDemo: added demonstration how to use custom SVG-based docking markers. TabControl and MDITabsDemo: added active tab extra height demonstration. Fixes CBCGPButton: fixed some problems in BCM_SETNOTE and BCM_GETNOTE messages handling. Gantt chart: addressed issue with incorrect initialization of horizontal scroll bar. CBCGPToolBarImages::CreateRegionFromImage: addressed some issues with processing 32bpp images. Popup dialog: addressed issue with incorrect layout initial size when the dialog is resizable. Windows native theme: addressed issue with incorrect global colors after turning off Windows high-contrast black mode. CBCGPEdit: addressed some issues with EM_SETCUEBANNER / EM_GETCUEBANNER messages processing. CBCGPComboBox: addressed some issues with CB_SETCUEBANNER / CB_GETCUEBANNER messages processing. CBCGPRibbonPanel: addressed issue with incorrect layout in the simplified mode when Ribbon gallery control (palette) does not have a text label. CBCGPSVGGradient: addressed some issues with cascading gradient transforms. CBCGPTabWnd: fixed visual artefacts that can appear when control has OneNote, VS 2005 or Left/Right Rounded style and custom (large-size) font is assigned.