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Release Notes

BCGControlBar Professional Edition

Version: 27.3. Released: 05/21/2018

  1. Docking Panes
    1. New global flag CBCGPBaseTabWnd::m_bAlwaysDrawTabIcon specifies whether the tab icon should be drawn even if there is not enough space to display a whole icon.
    2. Added floating pane menu button (see screenshot): EnableFloatingBarsMenuButton and AreFloatingBarsHaveMenuButton methods were added to CBCGPFrameWnd and CBCGPMDIFrameWnd. BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo demonstrates this new feature.
  2. Chart Control
    1. CBCGPChartLineObject: added line shadow support. New methods SetShadow and GetShadowDepth were added to CBCGPChartLineObject class.
    2. Added 2 new thumbnail flags (passed to CBCGPChartVisualObject::SetThumbnailMode):
      • BCGP_CHART_THUMBNAIL_DRAW_AXIS_NAME: displays an axis name.
      • BCGP_CHART_THUMBNAIL_DRAW_TITLE: displays a chart title.
    3. Implemented ternary axis title location modes: new CBCGPChartTernaryAxis::TitleMode enumeration has the following members:
      • TM_NORMAL: default, title is located at the end of the axis
      • TM_CENTER: the title is located at the center of the axis.
      The title location is used by the following new methods:
      • CBCGPChartTernaryAxis::SetTitleMode - sets the title mode for the ternary axis.
      • CBCGPChartTernaryAxis::GetTitleMode - returns the current title mode.
      • CBCGPChartVisualObject::SetTernaryAxesTitleMode - sets the title display mode for all ternary axes.
  3. Visual Manager and Themes
    1. CBCGPVisualManager: improved performance when visual manager is being changed - eliminated some unnecessary redrawing code.
    2. CBCGPVisualManager: added new method GetEditSimplifiedIconColors - override it in your custom visual manager if you need to customize edit box simplified button appearance matched to the current visual theme.
  4. Grid and Report Controls
    1. Added highlighting of the matched text for the filter bar (see screenshot): CBCGPGridCtrl ::EnableFilterBar method has new optional parameters: 'clrMarkBackground' - specifies highlighted text background and 'clrMarkText' - specifies highlighted text foreground. BCGPGridExample ("Filter Bar" view) and TreeCtrlDemo demonstrate this new feature.
    2. Added new BCGM_GRID_FILTERBAR_CHANGED event. This event is fired when text in the grid filter bar is being changed.
    3. CBCGPGridCtrl::HasNextSibling method has a new parameter bVisibleOnly that allows to use this method with a filter.
    4. New method CBCGPGridCtrl::OnMeasurePrintPageItems allows to customize content in printing mode.
  5. Controls
    1. Calendar bar: improved month picker appearance (see screenshot).
    2. New method SetEditBoxesVerticalAlignment (implemented in all dialog classes such as CBCGPDialog, or CBCGPFormView) allows to specify a single-line edit box text vertical alignment for all edit box controls located on this dialog.
    3. New method SetEditBoxesSimplifiedBrowseIcon (implemented in all dialog classes such as CBCGPDialog, or CBCGPFormView) allows to specify whether edit box browse icon should be simplified or not. This method modifies icon appearance in all edit box controls located on this dialog.
    4. CBCGPEdit: implemented single-line text vertical alignment (see screenshot). SetVerticalAlignment / GetVerticalAlignment methods were added to this class. Please take a look at EditBoxDemo sample to see this feature in action.
    5. CBCGPEdit: implemented "simplified" mode of the "Browse" button's icon (see screenshot). In the "simplified" mode the "Browse" button has the same background as edit box. Call new CBCGPEdit's method SetSimplifiedBrowseIcon to specify whether the icon is simplified or not. Please take a look at EditBoxDemo sample to see this feature in action.
    6. CBCGPEdit:: EnableFolderBrowseButton: added a new, optional parameter lpszInitialFolder - specifies a folder which initially displayed in the Folder Picker dialog.
    7. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: implemented standard Tree View notifications (TVN_SELCHANGED, TVN_SELCHANGING, TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED). New method CBCGPTreeCtrlEx::EnableTreeCtrlNotifications allows to enable/disable them.
    8. Implemented easy way to create CWnd-derived controls on the static placeholder location: a new method CreateOnPlaceHolder was added to the following classes:
      • CBCGPPropertySheetCtrl
      • CBCGPPropList
      • CBCGPCalculator
      • CBCGPCalendar
      • CBCGPColorBar
      • CBCGPEditCtrl
      • CBCGPGridCtrl
      • CBCGPTabWnd
  6. Miscellaneous
    1. CBCGPPropList::EnableSearchBox has a new, optional parameter 'BOOL bSimplifiedIcon'. Set this parameter to TRUE if you wish to see a simplified icon on the search box.
    2. CBCGPToolbarDateTimeCtrl: added support for themed (CBCGPDateTimeCtrl) date/time picker (see screenshot). New global flag CBCGPToolbarDateTimeCtrl::m_bThemedDateTimeControl specifies whether the date/time picker is themed or not. ToolbarDateTimePicker sample demonstrates this new feature.
    3. CBCGPToolBoxEx::EnableSearchBox has a new, optional parameter 'BOOL bSimplifiedIcon'. Set this parameter to TRUE if you wish to see a simplified icon on the search box.
  7. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPChartExample: added line object shadows demonstration, axis label mode and title mode in the Ternary view and CBCGPTreeCtrl (located in Workspace view) was replaced with CBCGPTreeCtrlEx with filter bar.
    2. BCGPGaugesDemo: CBCGPTreeCtrl (located in Workspace view) was replaced with CBCGPTreeCtrlEx with filter bar.
    3. BCGPGridExample: added Filter Bar results highlighting demonstration.
    4. EditBoxDemo: added edit boxes vertical alignment and simplified icons demonstration.
    5. ToolbarDateTimePicker: added themed date/time picker demonstration.
    6. TreeCtrlDemo: added tree control notifications and filter bar demonstrations.
    7. CaptionButtons: added demonstration how to display custom buttons on the tabbed panes and multiple-pane mini-frames.
    8. BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo: improved application startup time.
  8. Fixes
    1. CBCGPToolBar: addresses issue with creating of the new toolbar (in customization mode) on incorrect (not current) monitor.
    2. CBCGPGaugeImpl: addresses issue with sending tracking event to the correct parent windows.
    3. CBCGPMiniFrameWnd: addresses problem with caption buttons tooltip appearance.
    4. CBCGPPngImage: addresses problem with __stdcall calling convention.
    5. CBCGPPropList: addresses problem with in-place edit background color when control is located on row with the alternate color.
    6. CBCGPRibbonBar::OnLButtonDblClk doesn't block left mouse button clicks anymore. For example, if you click specific control several times, all clicks will be translated to corresponding control's command.
    7. CBCGPGridCtrl: fixed DPI issue for the grid Combo-box item and Auto-Complete list, now font of a dropped list is scaled accordingly.
    8. CBCGPGridCtrl: addresses issue with in-place editing of the merged cells.
    9. Chart: fixed bug in hit-testing points for stock chart in the line mode.
    10. Chart: fixed a bug of recalculation of axis values when adding an array of double values.