Release Notes BCGControlBar Professional Edition Version: 26.1. Released: 10/16/2017 Visual Manager and Themes CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012: added new static member 'm_bThinSlider'. Set it to TRUE if you wish to see Office 2013/2016-like thin pane sliders (screenshot). CBCGPVisualScrollBar: improved look of Visual Manager-style scrollbar when default ("Native Windows") Visual Manager is activated. CBCGPVisualManager: implemented default Windows scrollbar rendering methods such as OnScrollBarDrawThumb, OnScrollBarDrawButton and OnScrollBarFillBackground. CBCGPVisualManager: improved Breadcrumb and WinUI Tiles appearance in the high-contrast mode. Controls CBCGPEdit: autocomplete can be used along with a popup dialog now. CBCGPDateTimePropAttributes: added new attribute 'm_bDisplayCalendarTodayButton'. Set it to FALSE to hide "Today" button in CBCGPDateTimeProp dropped-down calendar. CBCGPDateTimeCtrl: implemented ability to hide "Today" button in the dropped-down calendar. EnableCalendarTodayButton and IsCalendarTodayButtonEnabled methods were added. CBCGPComboBox: new method 'AdjustDroppedWidth' sets the drop-list width by the widest combo box item. CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer: new member 'm_bRoundedCorners' allows to specify info box rounded corners (see screenshot). Miscellaneous All library, tools and samples icons were fully redesigned. CBCGPGraphicsManagerD2D: new virtual method 'GetCurrentRenderTarget' allows to use a custom, ID2D1RenderTarget-derived interface in CBCGPGraphicsManagerD2D-derived classes. New CBCGPWorkspace member 'm_bExitingFullScreenMode' indicates that full-screen mode is being closed now. CBCGPTasksPane: improved control redrawing upon resizing of custom child windows. Examples and Samples BCGPControls: demonstrates how to hide "Today" button in the date/time picker. BCGPMSOfficeDemo: demonstrates thin sliders in Office 2013/2016 themes. InfoBoxDemo: illustrates info-box rounded corners. Fixes Toolbar/menu buttons: fixed bug with displaying an underlined character if text label has double ampersands. Fixed bug with highlighting Ribbon caption system buttons. Breadcrumb control: fixed bug with displaying an icon on highlighted drop-down menu items in high-contrast display mode. CBCGPRibbonPanel: fixed bug with displaying user-defined tool with ampersand character in the text label. Toolbar customization: optimized mouse cursor changing when user starts dragging item from the customization dialog. Chart: fixed problem with data point position calculation in range bars.