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Release Notes

BCGSuite for MFC

Version: 35.0. Released: 05/29/2024

  1. Grid and Report Controls
    1. Significantly improved performance of operations affected all grid rows (such as OnColorThemeChanged or OnFilterBarApply).
    2. Added dynamic subitems support. Call the new method "CBCGPGridRow::EnableDynamicSubItems" to enable this feature for a specific grid row, and override the CBCGPGridCtrl::OnFillRowDynamicSubItems method to create child rows on expanding a group row. Please take a look at the new "Dynamic Sub-Items" view in our BCGPGridExample to see this new feature in action.
    3. Implemented the grid item markup support (see screenshot): this new feature allows adding hyperlinks to the grid items. To enable markup in a grid item, please call the new method "CBCGPGridItem::EnableMarkup" and put text containing hyperlink tags into a grid item. Override the "CBCGPGridCtrl::OnClickItemLink" method to handle the grid item link click. Or you can add a new registered message BCGM_GRID_ITEM_LINK_CLICK handler to the grid owner window class. Please take a look at the "Merged Cells" and "Cell Types" views in our BCGPGridExample to see this new feature in action.
    4. A new method, "CBCGPGridCtrl::GetFilterBarText," retrieves the filter bar text for a specific grid column.
    5. Implemented the grid row subitems sorting: please call the new method "CBCGPGridCtrl::SortChildRows" (default sorting) or "CBCGPGridCtrl::SortChildRowsCB" (sorting with a callback) to sort all children of the specified row in the grid control.
    6. Added option to enable or disable the expanding or collapsing of a group row on the mouse double click. By default, this option is enabled, but you can disable it now by calling the new method "CBCGPGridCtrl::EnableExpandOnDblClick" with the parameter bEnable=FALSE.
    7. CBCGPGridCtrl::MergeRange now returns a pointer to a newly created merged cell.
  2. Controls
    1. CBCGPEdit: a new attribute, DisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus (SetDisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus and IsDisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus methods were added), allows to suppress handling of the keyboard accelerators in the top-level frame when the control is being focused. This is useful when an application has one-character accelerators (e.g.,'s'), and in this case, typing the character invokes the command instead of adding this character to the edit box.
    2. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx additions:
      • Implemented the tree item markup support (see screenshot): a new markup feature allows adding hyperlinks to the tree items. To enable markup in a tree item, please call the new method EnableItemMarkup and put a text containing hyperlink tags into the tree item. Add a new registered message BCGM_GRID_ITEM_LINK_CLICK handler to the tree control owner window class to handle the tree item link click. 
      • Implemented children sorting: please call the new method SortChildren (default sorting) or SortChildrenCB (sorting with a callback) to sort all children of the specified tree item. Alternatively, you may send a TVM_SORTCHILDREN or TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB message to the tree control. 
      • Added TVIF_CHILDREN flag support: now, you can fill the tree item children dynamically when the user clicks the tree item expand button.
      Please take a look at the BCGPControls example ("Extended tree control view") to see these new features in action.
  3. Edit control Improved DPI support: call the new method CBCGPEditCtrl::SetDPIAware to enable DPI awareness for the edit control. If DPI awareness is enabled, the Visual Studio-like font ("Courier New") will be used by default. Please take a look at the BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo example to see this new feature in action.
  4. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPControls: added demonstrations of how to use dynamic sub-items, items with hyperlinks, and child item sorting in the extended tree control.
    2. BCGPGridExample: added a new "Dynamic Sub-Items" view (demonstrates how to dynamically load the grid row subitems) and grid items with hyperlinks ("Merged Cells" and "Cell Types" views).
    3. EditorMarkers and MDIEditorDemo: added demonstration of the usage of the default editor font.
  5. Fixes
    1. Addressed issue with redrawing border after setting or losing focus for some controls.
    2. CBCGPWnd::SetControlVisualMode checks for CBCGPFormView now. In the previous product versions, SetControlVisualMode didn't work for controls created on the themed form view.
    3. Grid control filter popup menu: fixed bug with unnecessary menu opening animation.
    4. CBCGPGridCtrl: addressed the issue with non-contrast numeric badge foreground color in some visual themes.