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Release Notes

BCGSuite for MFC

Version: 33.2. Released: 08/29/2022

  1. Grid and Report Controls
    1. CBCGPGridCtrl: implemented ability to automatically expand grid groups when user types a text in the grid filter bar and group sub-item is matched to the filter. m_bAutoExpandGroups was added to BCGP_GRID_FILTERBAR_OPTIONS and BCGP_GRID_FILTERBAR_PARAM structures. In addition, EnableFilterBar method has a new, optional parameter bAutoExpandGroups. Please take a look at BCGPControls example ("Extended Tree Control" view) to see this feature in action.
    2. Method CBCGPGridRow::ReplaceItem restores selection if original row was initially selected.
  2. Calendar and Planner
    1. CBCGPCalendar: a new virtual method GetWeekDay allows to specify a custom week day label. By default, a system short week day is being used.
    2. CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl: implemented ability to draw multi-day appointments with duration less than 24 hours (see screenshot). New methods SetMultiDayLessThan24 and IsMultiDayLessThan24 were added. Please take a look at BCGPCalendarDemo example ("Month" view) to see this feature in action.
  3. Controls
    1. CBCGPComboBox: an embedded edit box is created with a center vertical alignment now.
    2. CBCGPGroup: added caption horizontal alignment and multi-line support (see screenshot). Please take a look at BCGPControls example to see this new feature in action.
    3. CBCGPWinUITiles: a method SetRoundedShapes has a new, optional parameter dblCornerRadius (default is 2). A new method GetCornerRadius returns a previously specified corner radius.
  4. Miscellaneous
    1. CBCGPMessageBox: if hwndOwner is specified in the message box parameters, this window will be used as message box parent.
    2. CBCGPDrawManager: added a new method DrawRoundRect. Call this method to draw a rounded rectangle with smooth rounded corners.
    3. CBCGPToolBoxButton: a new method GetParentPage returns a pointer to page where the button is located.
    4. CBCGPEditCtrl: implemented standard keyboard accelerators (such as Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V) processing. Call new method SetProcessClipboardAccelerators to enable this feature. IsProcessClipboardAccelerators method tells whether the standard keyboard accelerators processing is enabled.
  5. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPCalendarDemo: added demonstration of multi-day appointments with duration less than 24 hours in the Month view.
    2. BCGPControls: added groups with multi-line captions and various text alignments demonstration, color picker custom shapes and extended tree control auto-expand groups upon filter bar changing.
    3. MDIEditorDemo: added example how to use Python-style editor scheme.
  6. Fixes
    1. CBCGPButton: addressed issue with redrawing default push button when control is losing focus.
    2. CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl: addressed issue with incorrect needle size when DPI is more than 100%.
    3. Dialogs and Forms: addressed issue with redrawing control info tips after layout changing.
    4. CBCGPStrokeStyle: method CompareWith is working correctly now when a list of custom dashes is specified.
    5. CBCGPListBox: fixed bug with incorrect caption row redrawing after removing items located prior the caption row(s).
    6. Addressed issue with incorrect window/control border size in case of some window styles.
    7. CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer: improved rounded corners and drop-down shadow appearance.
    8. CBCGPScrollBar: addressed issue with processing some messages after control have been destroyed.
    9. CBCGPGridCtrl: the filter bar font is correctly scaled when Grid zoom factor or DPI has been changed.