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Release Notes

BCGSuite for MFC

Version: 30.4. Released: 03/11/2020

  1. Chart Control
    1. Simplified chart text label customization process: new methods OnFormatDataPointLabelText and OnFormatDataPointTableText were added to CBCGPChartVisualObject class.
    2. Chart data table: improved table cells horizontal scrolling (zoom/pan modes).
    3. Added new flags specifying thumbnail drawing options:
    4. Added a new type of polar chart - polar bar chart (see screenshot). The range (width) of a bar is set in degrees using Y1 component. The type of polar chart can be specified using CBCGPChartPolarSeries:SetPolarType(PolarSeriesType type, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) method where type can be either PST_NORMAL or PST_BAR.
    5. Polar and radar charts: improved diagram layout - the chart diagram space is used more optimal now.
    6. Pyramid and funnel charts: improved hit-testing of the chart elements, such as data points.
  2. Gauge Controls
    1. CBCGPTextGaugeImpl: implemented a "trailing sign" support. Usually, "Trailing sign" is a small-size character located right of text and it's used for some indication such as percentage or temperature. New method CBCGPTextGaugeImpl::SetTrailingSign allows to specify the trailing sign text and appearance.
    2. CBCGPStaticGaugeImpl::StartFlashing has a new optional parameter nCount which specifies a number of the flashings. If this parameter is 0 (default), the gauge flashing will be infinite.
    3. CBCGPImageGaugeImpl: added DPI support. The class constructor and SetImage method have a new, optional parameter bScaleByDPI. Set it to TRUE if you wish to make gauge DPI-aware.
    4. CBCGPColorIndicatorImpl: added DPI support for the default-size color indicators. The class constructor has a new, optional parameter bScaleByDPI.
    5. CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl: added "pinned percentage sign" support (see screenshot). To enable this feature, you have to specify new member of CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorOptions structure m_strProgressLabelTrailingSign.
    6. CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl: new methods FlashProgressLabel and FlashLabel allow to make the text labels flashing.
  3. Grid and Report Controls
    1. Added ability to include groups to the filtering results (see screenshot): CBCGPGridCtrl:EnableFilterBar has a new optional parameter bIncludeGroups.
    2. Improved grid row height API: new methods SetCustomRowHeight and SetCustomLargeRowHeight were added to CBCGPGridCtrl class.
  4. Controls
    1. CBCGPSliderCtrl: added new virtual method OnPosChanged. This method is called after thumb position changing.
    2. CBCGPListCtrl: added LVM_SORTITEMSEX message support. By default, the control is using LVM_SORTITEM sorting message, but if you wish to use LVM_SORTITEMSEX instead, you've to call a new method CBCGPListCtrl::EnableSortEx with parameter bEnable = TRUE.
    3. CBCGPGroup: added new virtual method GetCheckBoxSize. Override this method if you wish to create a group checkbox with a custom size.
  5. Graphics Manager
    1. CBCGPEllipse: new method PtInEllipse tells whether a specified point is located inside the ellipse.
    2. CBCGPImage: added DPI support. The class constructor has a new, optional parameter bScaleByDPI. Set it to TRUE if you wish to make an image DPI-aware.
    3. CBCGPGraphicsManager: improved drawing of 3D Funnel slice.
  6. Edit control
    1. CBCGPEditCtrl::SetCaret method has a new, optional parameter bCleanUpSelection. If you set this parameter to TRUE, the current selection will be cleaned-up.
    2. CBCGPEditCtrl::ReplaceAll implementation has been significantly improved: replacing mechanism is much more fast and efficient now.
  7. Gantt Chart
    1. CBCGPGanttView: added a new, virtual method OnChartItemResizing. This method is called by the framework when a Gantt chart item is being resized.
    2. Added new registered message BCGM_GANTT_CHART_ITEM_RESIZING. This message is sent to owner of Gantt control when the chart item is being resized.
    3. CBCGPGanttChart: improved high-DPI support. All Gantt chart elements are correctly scaled now.
    4. New method CBCGPGanttChart::SelectAllItems selects all Gantt chart items.
    5. CBCGPGanttControl::SetProgressColumnIndex has a new, optional parameter bDisplayProgressBar. If this parameter is TRUE, a progress cell will be displayed with background progress bar (see screenshot).
    6. CBCGPGanttControl: a group is rendered with a progress indication now (see screenshot).
  8. Miscellaneous
    1. CBCGPAnimationManager: new method GetFlashAnimationStep returns a current flash animation step.
    2. CBCGPCalculator: '=' button is located now in the bottom-right corner and has a special look (see screenshot).
  9. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPGanttDemo: added demonstration of the grid cell with background progress indicator.
    2. BCGPGaugesDemo: added demonstration of pinned percentage sign in circular progress gauge and DPI-scaling in static gauges (image and color indicators).
    3. ListCtrlDemo: demonstrates a new, extended sorting.
    4. TreeCtrlDemo: added demonstration of the filter bar with group support.
    5. BCGPChartExample: implemented group thumbnail views (see screenshot) and added 3 new views: "Polar Bar", "Pyramid with Grouped Smaller Slices" and "Funnel with Grouped Smaller Slices" (see screenshot).
  10. Fixes
    1. CBCGPButton: addressed issue with incorrect rendering when button has a description but doesn't have a text label.
    2. CBCGPCalendar: addressed issue with calling SetMinDate and SetMaxDate before control creation.
    3. CBCGPBreadcrumbImpl: addressed some issues with control and item menus appearance in the right-to-left mode.
    4. CBCGPStatic: addressed issue with drawing control with SS_ETCHEDFRAME style.
    5. CBCGPLightBoxDialog: addressed issue with activation by the mouse click when a top-level frame is inactive.
    6. CBCGPGroup: addressed issue with displaying a group name when a text contains the ampersand character.
    7. CBCGPMessageBox: addressed issue with calculating size of the custom button with long text.
    8. CBCGPPropertySheet: when SetIconsList method is called for the 2-nd time, the previously created icons list is destroyed now.
    9. CBCGPSVGImage: addressed some issues with reading and applying linear/radial gradients.
    10. CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl: addressed issue with incorrect clipping during a digit transition effect when gauge is placed inside the visual container or created as sub-gauge.
    11. CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl: a default size of gauge pointer is DPI-aware now.
    12. CBCGPEditCtrl: addressed some issues with selection in GoToLine and GoToMarker methods.
    13. CBCGPGridCtrl: addressed issue with frozen columns created along with merged cells.
    14. CBCGPEditCtrl: addressed issue with vertical scrolling by the mouse wheel in case when the whole text fits the editor page.
    15. CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer: addressed issue with a custom icon with non-standard (different from 32x32) size drawing.