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Release Notes

BCGSuite for MFC

Version: 30.1. Released: 07/16/2019

  1. Dialogs and Forms CBCGPPropertySheet::EnablePageHeader has a new, optional parameter bExtendHeaderToAeroBackButton (default is FALSE). When this parameter is TRUE, the property sheet header will cover aero "Back" button (see screenshot).
  2. Chart Control
    1. Implemented bar/column shapes: the series can be either Box (default), Full Pyramid or Partial Pyramid (see screenshot). SetBarShape/GetBarShape methods were added to CBCGPChartBarSeries class.
    2. Implemented 3D chart rotation by the mouse cursor/gesture event (see screenshot) - EnableRotationByMouse and IsRotationByMouseEnabled methods were added to CBCGPChartDiagram3D class. Please take a look at BCGPChartExample to see this new feature in action.
  3. Visual Manager and Themes
    1. Improved appearance of the switch control: new image resources (both .SVG and .PNG) were added.
    2. Grid control: improved group box appearance in the Windows Native theme (see screenshot).
  4. Controls
    1. CBCGPGroup: improved group with check box appearance customization; the following new virtual methods were added to this class: GetGroupNameSize, OnDrawGroupCheckBox and OnDrawGroupName.
    2. CBCGPListBox: implemented changing a pinned state by keyboard. "Right" key highlights a pin in the currently selected item and "Space" key toggles a highlighted pin state.
    3. Implemented switch control transition effect (see screenshot): when user toggles the switch state, a thumb will be smoothly moved to a new position.
  5. Edit control
    1. Improved bookmarks/markers support. CBCGPEditCtrl has the following new methods: - GoToFirstMarker: moves caret to the 1-st editor's marker - BookmarkLine: adds bookmark to the specific editor's line - MarkAll: adds bookmarks to all editor's lines that contain a specified text.
    2. Improved exporting text to HTML.
  6. Miscellaneous
    1. CBCGPGraphicsManager: added new methods DrawPieEx, DrawDoughnutEx, Draw3DPieEx, DrawPyramidEx, Draw3DPyramidEx and Draw3DFunnelEx. These methods allow to draw shapes with extended outline attributes such as stroke style and line width.
    2. CBCGPSVGImageList::SaveToFile has a new, optional parameter bAddEmptyOnError. When this parameter is TRUE, a blank SVG image will be added to the list in case of incorrect SVG source image.
  7. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPChartExample: added column/bar shapes and 3D chart rotation by the mouse demonstrations.
    2. BCGPGridExample: added themed Find dialog demonstration.
    3. PropSheetDemo: demonstrates a page header that covers Aero Wizard "Back" button.
  8. Fixes
    1. CBCGPEditCtrl: addressed issues with a text search.
    2. Schedule view: addressed issue with drawing appointment duration.
    3. Chart: addressed issue with calculation of the value from/to pixels of the chart axis when labels are displayed between the tick marks.
    4. Radial menu: addressed issue with incorrect drawing/hit-testing when a number of menu items is 1.