Release Notes BCGSuite for MFC Version: 33.0. Released: 05/30/2022 Gauge Controls A new class CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorRendererBase allows to implement a window-less circular progress indicator. Please take a look at RibbonGadgets sample to see how to add indicator to the Ribbon custom element. CBCGPGaugeImpl: BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_POS enumerator has a new value - BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_CENTER (sub-gauge is located at the center of the parent gauge - see screenshot). Grid and Report Controls New flag ExportOptions::EF_IncludeRowHeader allows to export content of a leftmost column (row header), this flag is used with methods CBCGPGridCtrl::ExportToHTML, CBCGPGridCtrl::ExportRangeToText, CBCGPGridCtrl::ExportRangeToHTML and CBCGPGridCtrl::ExportToCSV. Improved MSAA support in CBCGPGridRow. CBCGPGridCtrl: a new method IsGridItemBordersEnabled tells who is responsible for the grid item border drawing (grid or grid item). Controls CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer has the following additions and improvements: Class constructor has a new, optional parameter CWnd* - a pointer to window where info-box is displayed. This is important to specify this window to correct drawing in multi-DPI environment. Added new member m_bAlwaysUnderlineLink: set it to FALSE if you wish to underline the link only if link is hovered. A new member m_bVisualThemeColors specifies whether control is rendered using a currently selected visual theme. CBCGPStatic: added a new attribute m_bDPIAwareIcon. If this member is TRUE, the icon will be correctly drawn after changing DPI value (you have to call SizeToContent method after DPI changing). Miscellaneous Added new BCGPChartLayout::LegendPosition values: LP_TOPLEFT LP_BOTTOMRIGHT LP_BOTTOMLEFT LP_TOPRIGHT_HORZ LP_TOPLEFT_HORZ LP_BOTTOMRIGHT_HORZ LP_BOTTOMLEFT_HORZ Please take a look at BCGPChartExample application to see this new feature in action. CBCGPTextFormat::Scale has a new, optional parameter bFromOriginal. If this parameter is FALSE, the scaling will be based on the current text size. CBCGPMessageBox: added new global flag m_bDrawSpecialAreaOnNC (default is TRUE). Set this flag to FALSE if you don't wish to fill message box buttons area with alternate background color. CBCGPSVG: added support for "baseline-shift" style attribute and relative (with trailing '%' sign) "font-size" attribute. CBCGPEditCtrl: a new method SetTextLeftMargin allows to specify a distance between text and left-side bar. By default, this value is 0. Examples and Samples BCGPChartExample: added new legend positions demonstration (Chart Legend view). BCGPChartExample: Chart Data Binding view is using ADO instead of ODBC now. BCGPControls: added new Info Box features demonstration. BCGPGaugesDemo: added demonstration how to add sub-gauge to the center of circular gauge. Fixes CBCGPButton: addressed issue with incorrect capture releasing when another window was captured inside button click message handler. CBCGPChartView: addressed some issues with a view scrolling. CBCGPComboBox: addressed issue with incorrect control subclassing when BCGPModifyStyle method is called. CBCGPEdit: addressed issue with incorrect drawing of the border when control has spin buttons. Fixed bug with unresolved network path in CBCGPShellBreadcrumb::SelectPath method. CBCGPSwitchImpl: addressed some issues with setting value when control animation is active. CBCGPGridCtrl: addressed issue with incorrect keyboard processing in the context menu opened when the filter bar is active. CBCGPGanttChart: addressed issue with incorrect hierarchy after calling InsertItem method (in some cases). CBCGPSVG: addressed some issues with drawing nested text blocks. CBCGPGridFilterEdit: addressed issue with pressing Esc in some cases.