Release Notes BCGSuite for MFC Version: 30.5. Released: 06/01/2020 Tasks Pane and Toolbox CBCGPToolBox and CBCGPToolBoxEx: toolbox items can be disabled now (see screenshot). New methods Enable and IsEnabled were added to CBCGPToolBoxButton class. You may specify whether disabled items are visible or hidden by calling new methods CBCGPToolBoxEx::SetShowDisabledItems or CBCGPToolBox:: SetShowDisabledItems.All items located on specific toolbox page can be enabled/disabled by calling new method CBCGPToolBoxPage::Enable New method CBCGPToolBoxPage::SetEmptyPagePrompt allows to specify information displayed on the empty toolbox page (see screenshot). Chart Control Polar charts: CW and CCW direction of the polar X axis (CW by default). Starting angle for the polar X axis 0, 90, 180, 270 (90 by default). CBCGPChartLongSeries (huge average data): new X values filtering algorithm for long series ("Minimum", "Maximum", "Min\Max Mean" by default, "Average"). Call "CBCGPChartLongSeries::SetFilterMode" to set the filtration mode. Multiple pies and nested charts: blank spaces in multiple pie or nested doughnut charts. Call "CBCGPChartVisualObject::SetIgnoreInvisibleMultipleSeries" method to remove the blank spaces. Percentage series (Pie, Funnel, Pyramid): always show the tile caption (series name) for the percentage series (FALSE by default). Call new method 'CBCGPChartPercentSeries::SetAlwaysShowTileCaption' to show/hide captions. Gauge Controls Circular and Linear gauges: improved interactive mode. User can move now different data pointers located on the same gauge scale. Please take a look at new "Other Interactive Gauges" view in BCGPGaugesDemo example to see this feature in action. CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl: implemented gauge interactive mode. CBCGPGaugeTrackingData has a new member m_nPointer. This member specifies an index of the gauge pointer that was clicked and dragged by user. Calendar and Planer CBCGPCalendar: added a new registered message BCGM_CALENDAR_ON_MONTHCHANGED. This message will be sent to the owner window upon first month changing. Handle this message if you wish to add some actions after months changing. CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl and CBCGPPlannerView: a planner control and all views are touch-friendly now; the control content is scrolled vertically upon gesture pan event. CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule: CreateCopy method is virtual now. Controls CBCGPListCtrl: added ability to disable column sorting on clicking a header item - new methods EnableSorting and IsSortingEnabled were added to this class. CBCGPGroup: DoDraw method is virtual now. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: added TVM_GETEDITCONTROL message processing. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: added support for TVN_BEGINDRAG, TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT and TVN_ENDLABELEDIT notifications. Graphics Manager A new class CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper provides easy and efficient way to use graphics manager in any CWnd-derived class: simply derive your class from CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper (multiple inheritance), override OnGraphicsManagerDraw method and call DoGraphicsManagerDraw from OnPaint or OnDraw. Please take a look at our samples AnimationManagerDemo, GraphicsManagerDemo, TaskBarDemo or SVGViewDemo to see how to use this class. Added new shape geometries (new GraphicsManagerDemo demonstrates them): CBCGPShapeGeometry CBCGPShapeBasicGeometry CBCGPShapePolygonGeometry CBCGPShapeStarGeometry Please take a look at new sample GraphicsManagerDemo to see these shapes. CBCGPGradientPoint: added CompareWith method and '=' operator. MSAA and CodedUI Tests CBCGPEdit: if edit box is empty and control has a prompt, the prompt is returned now as accessibility value. CBCGPGaugeImpl::get_accValue returns a list of pointer values (separated by space) if gauge has multiple data pointers. Gantt Chart CBCGPGanttControl: added a new optional parameter to SetStartDateColumnIndex and SetFinishDateColumnIndex methods. A new parameter nFlags specifies date time format for "Start Date" and "Finish Date" columns. You may set Date, Time, or Date and Time combination. CBCGPGanttControl: added new methods GetStartDateFormatFlags, GetFinishDateFormatFlags that retrieve the date time format for "Start Date" and "Finish Date" columns. Miscellaneous Addressed all issues with compiling library with /permissive- flag and C++ 17. CBCGPEditView: implemented standard ID_EDIT_REPEAT command processing. CBCGPSVGImage: added "display" style attribute processing. A new method CBCGPDiagramImageObject::SetImageOpacity sets the opacity of the image diagram object. Set the opacity 0 for transparent images, set 1.0 for opaque images. CBCGPGridCtrl: a new method MoveRow allows to move grid row by specified offset. Examples and Samples BCGPGaugesDemo: added interactive circular and linear gauges demonstration (see screenshot). AnimationManagerDemo: CCanvasWnd demonstrates how to use a new class CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper. DiagramEditor: added image opacity demonstration. GraphicsManagerDemo: this new sample application illustrates usage of CBCGPGraphicsManager class (see screenshot). ProgressDialogDemo: a custom progress control is using now a new class CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper. SVGViewDemo: demonstrates a new class CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper. ToolBoxDemo: demonstrates new ToolBox features such as keyboard navigation, adding toolbox pages, empty page prompt and resetting toolbox content. BCGPChartExample: added demonstration of CW and CCW direction and starting angle of the polar X axis ("Polar Charts" view) and new filtering algorithm in "Huge average data" view. Fixes CBCGPPropertySheet: addressed issue with page transition if OnWizardNext or OnWizardBack (overridden in the property page) return a custom value (page index). CBCGPExplorerToolBar: addressed issue with address bar (breadcrumb) location and Z-order. Bubble Chart: addressed issue with an invalid label value when the X component is not specified. Planner control: addressed issue with incorrect insertion of appointments into the planner after pasting. CBCGPEditCtrl: addressed issue with displaying hyperlink with custom color. CBCGPGridCtrl: addressed issue with dragging non-selected grid rows. CBCGPEditCtrl: addressed issue with displaying hyperlink with "https" prefix. CBCGPGraphicsManagerGDI and CBCGPGraphicsManagerGdiPlus: addressed some issues with a text drawing.