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Release Notes

BCGSuite for MFC

Version: 32.1. Released: 11/17/2021

  1. Added Visual Studio 2022 support:
    • The source files are fully compliant with Visual 2022 C++ compiler.
    • All our examples and samples were thoroughly tested with VS 2022.
    • Evaluation version contains DLLs and libraries required for VS 2022.
  2. Grid and Report Controls
    1. Implemented Excel-like text overflowing: when you type a lot of text into a cell, it overflows over to the adjacent cells (see screenshot). Call new method CBCGPGridCtrl::EnableTextOverflowing to enable text overflowing and override a new virtual method CBCGPGridItem::IsTextOverflowingAllowed if you wish to disable text overflowing in the specific cell type. BCGPGridExample ("Cell types" view) demonstrates this new feature.
    2. Added grid cell selection animation effect: when you are clicking a single cell, selection border will be smoothly moved from a previous location (see screenshot). Please call a new CBCGPGridCtrl::SetChangeSelectionTransitionTime method to enable this feature.
  3. Controls
    1. A new class CBCGPCheckComboBox implements a combo box with checked drop-down list (see screenshot). Please take a look at BCGPControls example to see this new control in action.
    2. CBCGPEdit: implemented ability to display prompt (cue banner) when control is focused. BCGPControls example demonstrates this new feature.
    3. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: implemented standard tree view notifications such as NM_CLICK, NM_DBLCLK, NM_RCLICK, NM_RDBLCLK and NM_SETFOCUS.
  4. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPControls: demonstrates a new CBCGPCheckComboBox control and edit box cue banner improvements.
    2. BCGPGridExample: added text overflowing and cell selection animation demonstrations.
  5. Fixes
    1. CBCGPButton: fixed some problems in BCM_SETNOTE and BCM_GETNOTE messages handling.
    2. Gantt chart: addressed issue with incorrect initialization of horizontal scroll bar.
    3. Popup dialog: addressed issue with incorrect layout initial size when the dialog is resizable.
    4. CBCGPEdit: addressed some issues with EM_SETCUEBANNER / EM_GETCUEBANNER messages processing.
    5. CBCGPComboBox: addressed some issues with CB_SETCUEBANNER / CB_GETCUEBANNER messages processing.
    6. CBCGPSVGGradient: addressed some issues with cascading gradient transforms.