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Release Notes

BCGSuite for MFC

Version: 30.3. Released: 12/16/2019

  1. Diagram Control
    1. CBCGPDiagramShape: a new static member m_bShadowsEnabled allows to disable shadows for all objects of CBCGPDiagramShape-derived classes. By default, this member is TRUE.
    2. CBCGPDiagramShape: added a new virtual method IsShadowEnabled. Override this method to disable shadows for your CBCGPDiagramShape-class or for the specified shape object. The default implementation uses CBCGPDiagramShape::m_bShadowsEnabled, which is TRUE by default.
  2. Grid and Report Controls
    1. CBCGPGridCtrl: custom text/image margin support (see screenshot). Override new virtual method(s) GetTextMargin, GetTextVMargin and GetImageMargin to specify custom cell margins.
    2. CBCGPGridItem::Select method is virtual now.
    3. CBCGPGridCtrl: SetColorTheme and SetVisualManagerColorTheme methods are virtual now.
  3. Controls
    1. CBCGPBreadcrumb: new method RefreshDynamicItem updates content of the dynamic breadcrumb node.
    2. CBCGPBreadcrumb::SelectSubPath: this new method allows navigating to the current (selected) node-relative path.
    3. CBCGPBreadcrumb: added new virtual method PrepareInplaceEditRes. This method is called when user presses Enter key at in-place edit mode. Override this method to change edit box text value.
    4. CBCGPTreeCtrl: new method EnableThemedInplaceTooltip enables/disables themed in-place tooltips.
    5. CBCGPListCtrl: new method EnableThemedInplaceTooltip enables/disables themed in-place tooltips.
    6. CBCGPListCtrl: implemented custom (owner-draw) icons support. Override a new virtual method IsCustomIcon to tell whether a list control item has the custom icon and OnDrawCustomIcon to perform the icon drawing.
    7. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: added TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS style support.
  4. Shell Management
    1. CBCGPShellBreadcrumb: a new virtual method IsExcludeFolder allows to filter-out tree nodes in the derived class.
    2. CBCGPShellBreadcrumb::SelectPath with an empty path navigates now to the root (Desktop) folder.
  5. Miscellaneous
    1. Added new shapes to BCGPChartMarkerOptions::MarkerShape: MS_TRIANGLE_LEFT, MS_TRIANGLE_DOWN, MS_TRIANGLE_RIGHT, MS_PENTAGON, MS_HEXAGON and MS_STAR (see screenshot).
    2. CBCGPGlobalUtils::EnableEditCtrlAutoComplete: a new, optional parameter lpszCurrentDirectory specifies files/folders autocomplete scope.
    3. CBCGPSVGImage: new global flag 'm_bTraceProblemsDefault' allows to prevent tracing SVG issue. By default, all SVG issues are reported to the Debug Output window.
    4. There are two new optional parameters in CBCGPSVGImage::DoDraw method: bKeepAspectRatio and bUseViewBoxSize.
  6. Examples and Samples
    1. BCGPChartExample: added new marker shapes demonstration.
    2. BCGPGridExample: demonstrates cell extended padding.
  7. Fixes
    1. CBCGPBreadcrumb: when user cancels in-place editing by Escape key, the focus is moved to the parent window now.
    2. CBCGPGanttChart: addressed issue with incorrect vertical scrolling in case of huge number of Gantt chart rows.
    3. CBCGPGridCtrl: addressed issue with incorrect (non-contrast) foreground color of internal header icons in some visual themes.
    4. CBCGPSVGImageList::LoadFromSVGSpriteBuffer: addressed issue with incorrect SVG icons sorting in some cases.
    5. CBCGPTreeCtrlEx: addressed issue with removing selection when user clicks on the empty (outside items) space.
    6. CBCGPListCtrl: addressed issue with header control subclassing on style changing.
    7. CBCGPChartAxisPolarY: fixed axis drawing bug when axis has a minimal size or less.
    8. CBCGPComboBox: addressed issue with erasing of the empty dropped-down list box when control has CBS_SIMPLE style.
    9. CBCGPEditCtrl: addressed some issues with underlined font (used for the edit hyperlinks) incorrect initialization.
    10. CBCGPGridCtrl: addressed issue with filter bar redrawing after visual theme changing.
    11. CBCGPGridCtrl: improved appearance of switch item in some visual themes.