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Release Notes: BCGSuite for MFC

YearRelease dateVersionDescription
2025 February 17 36.1 In this release, we have enhanced the visual effects for gauges and visual objects, added x64 libraries to the evaluation version, and added other new features and improvements.
2024 November 26 36.0 In this release, we have added enhanced MSAA support for the Grid control, introduced new and enhanced controls, implemented ARM and ARM64 platform support in the Integration Wizard, and added other new features and improvements.
2024 August 28 35.1 In this release, we improved the performance of the grid control, fixed the appearance of dialog controls and gauges when the user specified the custom Windows text size, and added other new features and improvements.
2024 May 29 35.0 This release includes grid item markup support, enhanced tree control, improved DPI support for advanced edit control, and other new features and improvements.
2024 February 27 34.1 This release includes improvements to dialogs and forms background images, an enhanced Visual designer, and other new features and improvements.
2023 November 30 34.0 This release new image effects, rotated circular gauge scales, info box control multiple links, and other new features and improvements.
2023 September 12 33.6 This release includes improved diagram chart, colored font support in the Direct2D graphics manager, Improved grid keyboard navigation and other new features and improvements.
2023 May 31 33.5 This release includes Grid control search and filtering improvements, breadcrumb items tooltip and other new features and improvements.
2023 February 14 33.4 This release includes Grid control cell enhanced formatting and other new features and improvements.
2022 November 07 33.3 This release includes new date/time digital indicators, advanced edit control commenting and other new features and improvements.
2022 August 29 33.2 This release includes group control with text alignments and multi-line support and other new features and improvements.
2022 May 30 33.0 This release includes info box control enhancements, new positions of chart legend and other new features and improvements.
2022 February 01 32.2 This release includes grid date picker with optional checkbox and other new features and improvements.
2021 November 17 32.1 This release includes Visual Studio 2022 support, grid text overflowing, new checked combo box control and other new features and improvements.
2021 October 21 32.0 This release includes Windows 11 support, grid frozen rows and other new features and improvements. See the full list of changes here.
2021 June 15 31.3 This release includes edit control font scaling and other new features and improvements. See the full list of changes here.
2021 April 15 31.2 This release includes improved slider, tab and combo box controls and other new features and improvements.
2021 February 02 31.1 This release includes chart control improvements, graphics manager resources serialization and other new features and improvements.
2020 November 16 31.0 This release includes new CBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd class (implements a multi-view single-document interface), themed CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl, pasting Grid data from external data sources and other new features and improvements.
2020 September 28 30.6 This release includes Windows Application Driver support, touch-friendly date-time pickers, property sheet page swipe gesture support, improved edit syntax highlighting, enhanced stock chart and other new features and improvements.
2020 June 04 30.51 This is a maintenance release compatible with latest versions of Visual Studio 2019 and Windows SDK.
2020 June 01 30.5 This release includes improved high-contrast mode support and other new features and improvements.
2020 March 11 30.4 This release includes new chart type Polar Bar, improved Gantt chart and other new features and improvements.
2019 December 16 30.3 This release includes Grid custom margins, new chart marker shapes and other new features and improvements.
2019 October 01 30.2 This release includes improved chart control tooltips and other new features and improvements.
2019 July 16 30.1 This release includes chart bar/column shapes and other new features and improvements.
2019 May 29 30.0 This release includes Visual Studio 2019 support, new types of the grid cells, group boxes with check box/radio button and other new features and improvements.

BCGSuite for MFC Versions (archive)