We have chosen BCGControlBar Library as the convenient, easy in use, flexible and reliable tool in the work, allowing to create the modern user interface, thus essentially saving expenses for development.
The company
PROMT is the world's leader in natural language
processing technologies. Our mission is to create the tools enabling people
to communicate easily and effectively, to break language barriers between them.
Our slogan is self-descriptive "We make the world understandable".
The challenge
During development, our products become more complex,
the number of functions and features increases. Productivity, learning curve
and subjective satisfaction of users depend on many aspects and UI is one of the
most important components. The modern, flexible and convenient interface is necessary.
The solution
We use the following features: general application look
(Microsoft Office and Visual Studio look like); Microsoft Office style menus; advanced
control bars; advanced document management; customization, UNICODE support and so on.
The result
We use the library practically in all our products having
user interface. For example, in one of last development of our company system
"PROMT Translation Suite" with the aid of BCGControlBar Library we managed to
create convenient, easy in mastering and use the full-scale environment for work
of the translator. The environment allows working with several types of documents;
it extensively uses auto-hide control bars greatly saving the workspace and provide
users with various panels with a set of useful tools and the context-dependent information.
PROMT Translation Suite
Contact information
Tel. +7 (812) 331-7540
Fax: +7 (812) 327-4483
Internet store:
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