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PaletteCAD Case Study

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BCGSoft has everything to create a state-of-the-art UI and we could customize it in a broad level due to source code availability and helpful support staff!

Frank Kobs Palette CAD GmbH

The company

In 1995, Palette CAD was founded as a start-up company in Stuttgart by Dr. Walter Zinser. The idea was to develop a 3D CAD program specifically for planning interiors. It was to be as simple as a kitchen planner yet as powerful as a CAD program and tailored to the needs of designers, craftsmen and specialty retailers. Our drawing program can be found everywhere that custom craftsmanship is on demand: In the design of bathrooms, with tiles and natural stonework, with carpentry and joinery work, in stove and fireplace construction, interior fit-outs and much more. Individual designs can be realized simply and, above all, efficiently, with Palette CAD.
To date, the software has attracted more than 10,000 users the world over and has received multiple awards. Palette CAD offers exactly what our clients have always dreamed of for sales and the planning of high-grade interiors.

The challenge

The first version of Palette CAD Software was released 1995 and the last face lifting was 2005. Even at this time we used the standard edition of the BCGLibrary. Now the time has come to create a new and modern user interface to target the customers of tomorrow.

The solution

We used the BCGSoft implementation of the Ribbon UI along with the docking managers. This saved us a lot of time and work. Anyway, we couldn't get around understanding the framework in detail to do the required customizations. And I was really satisfied with the support of BCGSoft to accomplish this task.

The result

It has a user interface which embraces the concepts of Windows 8 UI with large informative buttons:

Contact information

Palette CAD GmbH
Behlesstr. 9-13
70329 Stuttgart
Tel. +49-711-9595-0
Fax. +49-711-9595-250
