Progress ("Wait") Dialog
BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)
BCGSuite (MFC)
BCGControlBar for .NET
The CBCGPProgressDlg class implements a modeless dialog that allows to display a progress of a lengthy operation.
This dialog offers the following features:
- Progress indicator
- Progress percentage
- "Infinite" mode
- Owner-draw header
- Animation
- Theme support
Sample code:
CBCGPProgressDlg* pProgressDlg = new CBCGPProgressDlg;
CBCGPProgressDlgParams params;
params.m_strMessage = _T("Copying files");
params.m_strCaption = _T("Please wait...");
params.m_nAnimationResID = IDR_ANIMATION;
params.m_nAnimationHeight = 80;
m_pProgressDlg->Create (params, this);