Integration with Calendar Control
BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)
BCGSuite (MFC)
BCGControlBar for .NET
The planner control is integrated with the calendar (date picker) control:
- User can drag appointments from the planner view and drop them to the date picker
- When user selects a multiple day interval on the calendar, the planner automatically shows this period.
- The calendar automatically displays days with appointments using bold font
- The calendar state is automatically updated every time when appointments have been changed in the planner
Drop appointment to the calendar
Select multiple dates on the calendar
Sample code:
CBCGPCalendar m_wndCalendar;
CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl m_wndPlanner;
// The calendar will be synchronized with planner:
m_wndCalendar.SetPlanner (&m_wndPlanner);